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Civics derives from the Latin word civicus, meaning “relating to a citizen”, and the Latin civica, a garland of oak leaves worn about …

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Civics derives from the Latin word civicus, meaning “relating to a citizen”, and the Latin civica, a garland of oak leaves worn about the head as a crown, a practice in ancient Rome wherein someone who saved another Roman citizen from death in war was rewarded with the civica and the right to wear it. It is analogous to modern day military medals. The term itself ultimately derives from the Latin civis, meaning citizen. The English usage of civics relates to behavior affecting other citizens, particularly in the context of urban development  Civic education is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and duties. It includes the study of civil law and civil code, and the study of government with attention to the role of citizens―as opposed to external factors―in the operation and oversight of government.

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